Trust: the ultimate skill.

September 14th, 2012

“Trust is like the air we breathe – when it’s present, nobody really notices; when it’s absent, everybody notices.” – Warren Buffet

Buzzword? Really? Watchword is more like it! That’s what I thought when a noted business blog referred recently to trust as a “buzzword.”  Trust is the basis for success in all professional and personal relationships.  And it’s the subject of “Smart Trust: Creating Prosperity, Energy and Joy in a Low-Trust World,” a powerful book by Stephen M.R. Covey and Greg Link, cofounders of CoveyLink Worldwide.

The authors address our “global crisis of trust” and present inspiring cases of highly successful CEOs that demonstrate how trust as principle of management is igniting a “renaissance of trust.” They make a compelling business case for trust and present five action steps commonly taken by those leaders who operate with high trust to minimize risk and maximize possibilities.

In my April 27th blog post, I posed two questions that matter most among the people working with you: Can I trust this person? Does s/he care about me? Courtesy of Covey and Link, I offer two questions for you: Do I trust myself? Do I give him or her a person they can trust?

“Smart Trust” is a must read. And trust is a better way to lead.

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  1. […] Trust: the ultimate skill. (Sept. 14, 2012) […]