Making sense of perception.

July 15th, 2011

It’s no secret that the nature of consciousness remains one of the great scientific mysteries of our time. And a fascinating report on the pioneering work of some internationally renown scientists on inner-sense data covered in a recent Science Channel episode of “Through the Wormhole,” titled “Is there a Sixth Sense?” pushes the boundaries on what our minds are capable of with new scientific evidence. YouTube has conveniently divided the 30-minute segment into Part 1 and Part 2.

It’s viewing that I think might lead you to some provocative discussion this weekend. At the least, it will stimulate some exciting thoughts. Here’s a sampling of the research presented about that vast network in our heads:

·      Beatrice de Gelder, professor of neuropsychology at Tilburg University in The Netherlands and senior scientist at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Harvard Medical School, has shown that our brains can sense things even when we’re not aware of them. In a study of stroke victims left blind in one eye, she has identified subconscious mental pathways we all have that allow us not to see emotional stimuli, but to sense them.

·      Roger D. Nelson, director of the Global Consciousness Project (GCP) and former coordinator of research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab at Princeton University, has produced evidence in a 30-year study that shows consciousness exists not only in our minds, but extends outward as well.

·      British biologist Rupert Sheldrake has collected a body of evidence to support the idea that our minds work through extended “morphic” fields that link us to other people and our environment.

·      Michael Persinger, who runs the Neuroscience Research Group at Laurentian University in Ontario, demonstrates his evidence that thoughts – as “physical units of action potentials from the nerve” – can be transmitted across space.

In the field of Qinomics, the continuing study of links between conscious awareness and subconscious experience – the energy of our minds – and scientific evidence of the abilities of an inner sense or, more likely, inner senses, will always be welcome knowledge. What do you think? Or, as I more frequently like to ask: what are you thinking about?








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3 Responses to “Making sense of perception.”

  1. Nojjie says:

    An excellent summary of each segment – very concise. I hope all your readers appreciate you sharing these groundbreaking experiments. Love you.

  2. Julie Tarney says:

    Thanks again, John, for the heads up on this fabulous Science Channel series. I’m a fan now, too.

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