A leader is always “on.”

September 28th, 2012

While I keep a running list of topics to choose from each week, there’s always the chance that someone else’s Friday morning blog post jumps off my computer screen and lands at the top of my list. That was the case today with SmartBlog on Leadership’s headline “Are you ready to be a leader?”

It links to a new post by Dan McCarthy titled, “25 Tips for Managing Your First Direct Reports,” a valuable bookmark-worthy guide and reference no matter what your tenure as a boss. Here’s what I think are his most energetic words of wisdom. What do you think?

  • Be clear on who you are and what you stand for.
  •  Treat EVERYONE with respect.
  •  Be an active listener.
  • Get to really know your employees.
  • Involve your team in creating a vision, mission and goals.


Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at freedigitalphotos.net




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